Anndi's Luggage: For Dixie and Matt
With love and pride
I was humbled
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If somebody doesn't believe in me, I can't believe in them.


Friday, July 20, 2007

For Dixie and Matt

I’m an only child as some of my older (not aged, I mean long-time… well, and older.. I mean really, Vinny... you are older than me - smooch) readers know.

Last year I met a woman (well, I met her virtually…) that has changed my life, although I don’t think I ever came right out and said it.

I’ve had more laughs with her in one year than with some people I’ve known my whole life (and no, it’s not cause I come from a sense-of-humour-deprived family… they laugh with me all the time – or is it at me???).

We’ve also cried together. When her father passed, I mourned him with her… when my mom passed, I knew she was there. I felt her over thousands of miles…

We’ve spoken on the phone, chatted and e-mailed about the weirdest things... and some of them have been fairly steamy (I know, shocking ain’t it!) and I suspect that’s what you do with a sister.

My ‘sister by choice’ has to do something that no mother ever wants to do. This Monday, her son Matt (a fine looking and sweet as sugar young man), my ‘nephew by choice’ is leaving the nest. She has to hand over her baby, her only son, to the United States Marine Corps. He’s going to boot camp in Parris Island where he will be drilled and trained to become a part of a whole, a team. A man.

My logical ‘industrial-firefighter-safety-manager’ self knows what a truly inspiring, rewarding and valuable journey he is embarking on. And believe you me, it’s something I firmly believe and have told her many times over.

That being said, my heart… well… it aches that I can’t reach out and hug the both of them until they turn blue
(it’s a Marine colour right?).

I have the greatest respect for the fine men and women of the military. I make sure and thank each and every one of them that crosses my path when I travel. I view Remembrance Day as one of the most important holidays on my Nation’s calendar and took my Chicklet to attend the ceremonies in Ottawa last year so we could stand at the foot of the Unknown Soldier’s Tomb and pay our respects. Members of my family have served, my father was in the Canadian Army in the 1940’s, my cousin was in the Navy…

It dawned on me that someone, somewhere, will cross Matt’s path in the near future and hopefully walk up to him and offer their thanks by shaking his hand.

But, as you might not actually get a chance to do that... I join my dear and wonderful friend
Vince (you know, the dude who’s older than me and hangs out on a Big Leather Couch) and ask that you please pay her blog a visit. Show your support, offer Matt your thanks, your wishes for a safe journey. Give one of the most giving and loving women that God has deemed just and right to send into my life a hug and comforting words. Show the rest of the family, the adorable and smart-as-a whip Kaitlin and her devoted just-as-good (cause no man is ‘better’ than my sis) other half Tony you care and appreciate the sacrifice they are making.

(Thanks to the ever wonderful Kyra for this... You rock!)

Dixie, my sister-by-choice, there are no words in any language to tell you just how much I love you. You are a force to be reckoned with and I know you will be the shining example of a proud military Mom. You’ve given your family the best a mother can give, Love.

Matt, I am so very proud of you. You’re the kind of man I hope my Chicklet fancies enough someday to see fit to marry (when she’s 30, I am soooo far from willing to let go of my baby). Stay safe.


Love you all more than my luggage!
Hugs, smooches and gropes!

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Comments on "For Dixie and Matt"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (6:30 PM) : 

Yup, Miss Dixie's a pretty special lady and I'll bet her son is just as special, if not more!


Blogger Meribah said ... (7:18 PM) : 

It's amazing how, even over a distance of thousands of miles, we can find peeps who can touch us to the very core. This is a beautiful tribute. Thank you and much love to you, Dixie, Matt and all the other peeps out there that have touched our hearts. Hugs.


Blogger Travis Cody said ... (7:42 PM) : 

Nicely done my dear.


Blogger Desert Songbird said ... (9:48 PM) : 

Travis took my words. Very nicely done, Anndi.


Blogger Vinny "Bond" Marini said ... (11:37 PM) : 

Beautifully written...a truly great post.

Thank you and yes, I know I am


Blogger the Book of Keira said ... (11:34 AM) : 

Dixie is a fantastic woman and it is awesome that the of you have such a great bond. (No Vinnie... I'm not referring to you, silly). Great post and tribute to you cyber-sister :-)


Blogger Vinny "Bond" Marini said ... (12:56 PM) : 

WHY not me?????


Blogger Vinny "Bond" Marini said ... (3:09 PM) : 

AND Ms. 108.... it is VinnY




Blogger Vinny "Bond" Marini said ... (3:09 PM) : 



Blogger Julie said ... (1:29 AM) : 

Beautifully written Sweet Ann.


Blogger Dan said ... (8:21 PM) : 

Sweetheart, your huge heart never ceases to amaze me. Thanks for doing this. Gosh you rock!

Hugs and smooches. And gropes (or course).


Blogger Lee Ann aka Dixie said ... (11:55 PM) : 

Oh my dear sweet sister by choice. I truly, truly love you.

I had talked to Vinny earlier and told him that I did not bring my compter with me but I have found one here in the hotel.

I just want to jump through this computer and give you a huge hug and a sloppy wet kiss and a lick and a nibble and a grope... ;-)

I love you soooooo very much.


Blogger Angell said ... (3:43 PM) : 

As always Ann - amazing post honey.


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