Manic Monday - the BLOW edition..
After some fast and furious e-mailing that occured this weekend between some crazy people Meri, Travis, Julie -yes.. you too, Vinny (bad bad man LOL.. please don't ever change bwahahaha) and poor Dana our Queen who was subjected to our wild and crazy ways (I could think of worse things to be subjected to.. really...) I almost went the way of the obvious for this Monday's Manic assignment... I know.. you're expecting a dissertation on one of the most wonderful tools given to man... the leaf-blower! What? Not what you thought? Well... as I am always willing to throw a curve ball (ugh.. baseball talk.. I blame The Couch)... My use of the word BLOW... well a variant... So I saw this and it blew me away! Well... don't that beat all. Thank to all the sweet people who dropped by and shared their thoughts about my Friday Funk... I'll answer each and everyone as soon as I can but I must say I appreciate the concern, the support and especially that you took the time to really think about my little rant (except Matt-man.. who was too busy thinking of a big juicy lovely braised piece of beef....... how's that lent project thingy coming along?) OOOOOH!!! I have a double topic.. Things that might make Matt-man blow his lent project thingy... bwahahahahahahahahahaha! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Duck of the Irish? ![]() I have officially 'De-funkified' as Matt-Man put it! Love you all more than my luggage! Hugs, smooches and gropes! Labels: blow, Dana, dancing dog, de-funkify, Duckie, Irish, Julie, lent, Matt-Man, meat, Meri, more meat, Morgen, The Couch, Travis, Vinny |
Comments on "Manic Monday - the BLOW edition.."
I am so glad that you have defunkified...And if it is at my expense so be it Anndi. By the way, my Loosemeat Sandwiches are much better than Maid-Rites and I ahve the recipe to prove it. Cheers and welcome back from the funk.
Glad you're defunkifying.
And torturing the Matt-man.
Anyone who can tease Matty with many meat references is a brilliant babe in my book!!!
Manic Mo
Your comment was just what I needed.. that and the shoes I bought yesterday. Perfect for spending time in the kitchen.
Thanks dear.. you inspire the wench in me LOL
I'm glad to know that I am as helpful as a new pair of shoes. It warms me to the sole...Mo, please dont offer her further encouragement.
Now Matt, don't be a heel... you enjoy the wench just as much as you long for the meat.. juices dripping.. steamy.. hot...
I just might post a picture of the inspirational shoes.. after I come back from my trip.
Mo, don't listen to him. You are a God amongst men. A true Pharaoh!
have to wait until I get home to comment on the video since I can't see it here...
Did I mention MEAT?
Backing up...
Someone say shoes????
The hell with the meat.. If these shoes have heels and show feet then i am in for a treat...
Show Show Show
Yes.. I said shoes..
with heels... and feet in them...
Seems there's one vote for me to show the shoes... I think I'll keep a tally..
can we vote more than once?
Yay!!! So glad you de-funkified and joined in the fun!!
Ohmygoodness what a video....I was a little concerned about the O.N. John outfit and then I started thinking about her and her dog and peanut butter...I just can't go back there!
Wow - dogs, meat, and shoes all in one post! What's a girl to do?
Great video and lovely meat dishes!! If Matt's mouth isn't watering, and if he isn't seriously considering BLOWing off the meatless days, well he's a better man than me.
I may have to BLOW on down to the local bbq!!
Glad you're defunked!
Shoes with heals and feet???
Show the shoes baby!!!!
OOOOOOOOO great video.. always glad when i come back to see them... you find the most interesting videos and audios dear ...
must be a real talent...
i am not sure i have told you this but
We all need that Defunk sometimes! :)
Glad you're all better now.
Great Manic Monday post.
Came by to see if the shoes had showed up yet and realized I had not commented on the most important part of your post.. silly me...
CURVE BALL!!!! You are talking baseball! There is hope for you girlfriend!
See... now High Heels and baseball.. NOTHING BETTER
Geez, I get all hot and bothered reading the topic "Blow"...only to see it's not what I was thinking! What a buzzkill! >:(