Anndi's Luggage: Wordless Wednesday - drawing to music
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I was humbled
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Location: Somewhere near Montreal, Quebec, Canada

If somebody doesn't believe in me, I can't believe in them.


Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Wordless Wednesday - drawing to music

I don't know why... but I was fixated...

Get this video and more at

OOOOH!!! and this morning's dancing on my way to the shower song...

Leave a comment and I'll link you here... be patient..
2. Bond

Love you all more than my luggage
Hugs, smooches and gropes!

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Comments on "Wordless Wednesday - drawing to music"


Blogger Liz Hill said ... (8:21 AM) : 

You are easily amused Angelbaby--that's why

Cool stuff

(pssst--use auto linkies---so much easier)



Blogger Vinny "Bond" Marini said ... (9:59 AM) : 

Can't see...can't see...I can't seee... OH I had my eyes closed! No really..can't see at work


Blogger Anndi said ... (10:03 AM) : 

Turnbaby... yeah but if they don't post a comment... they don't get linked...

Bond... ahhhhhhhhhhhh.. gues you'll have to come back then eh...


Blogger TopChamp said ... (10:41 AM) : 

Woo hoo! (there's a trumpet in that video)


Blogger Unknown said ... (11:51 AM) : 

*singing* "I don´t feel like dancing..."

I love this song... get´s me dancing whenever, wherever =)

Happy WW


Blogger Lee Ann aka Dixie said ... (12:08 PM) : 

*pooches out bottom lip and pouts* I can't see anything...


Blogger Cinnamon Girl said ... (3:41 PM) : 

Me no see either =( But I will take your word that you were fixated!


Blogger AtriaBooks said ... (3:43 PM) : 

There's gotta be a subliminal message in that video somewhere...I'm determined to find it. I'm also determined to overthrow the government but I'm not sure what that's about.


Blogger Coco said ... (7:14 PM) : 

So, do I get linked now? I nearly went cross-eyed watching that video, but it was kinda neat.


Blogger Coco said ... (9:20 AM) : 

The DoE has blocked my admin on blogger, so I can't change or add to my blog until they fix that. No idea why. Just sayin'.


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