Anndi's Luggage: Yeah, I'm still alive
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I was humbled
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Location: Somewhere near Montreal, Quebec, Canada

If somebody doesn't believe in me, I can't believe in them.


Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Yeah, I'm still alive

Sorry I haven't been around babes... I've had a very long week last week. I'll probably have another very long, well, a four day long week (which means I have to cram 5 days of work into 4 days) this week. This, combined with difficulties sleeping, has made me one very tired and cranky person lately.
But over the weekend, I had the house to myself (ok, the dogs were constantly under foot, but what can I say... they keep hoping I'll drop food). I did some cleaning, cooking, mowing and attempted to catch up on my sleep. A very wonderful friend and kindred spirit that I've never actually "met" felt a disturbance in my lifeforce and sent me a little "how are you" e-mail. Thank you dear... your e-mail gave me energy.

I listened to all manor of music as I went about doing my chores (I need an I-Pod for mowing, truly I do) and I ended up listening to some country music (Brad Paisley - he cracks me up, he does...), classic southern rock and some big band swing - Count Basie, Duke Ellington, Chick Webb and Tommy Dorsey. I pulled out some old Louis Armstrong too. This sent me in search of clips, because I not only wanted to hear his mastery, I wanted to see it, albeit it on a little screen.

And I found this...

This clip reminds me of my Chicklet, but not just because of the drum solo I can't wait to share with her. You see, I want her to take something from this clip.

No matter what she chooses to do or be in life, may she show the same exhuberance and love of what she does that Mister Danny Barcelona exhibited as he played.

Danny Barcelona, a self taught drummer (this will thrill Chicklet beyond words) became Louis Armstrong's drummer at the tail end of the 50s and was a part of his "All Stars" for about 15 years until the day Satchmo put the band to rest because of his failing health. You can tell, by watching him in that clip just how joyful his music makes him and all that passion he feels for his "job".

I was telling someone that some of the best stories about music that can be written aren't about the front men or big name artists.. there's a ton of information out there for someone who might want to learn a thing or two about "the legends".

The ones that intrigue me are the session musicians, the supporting players, the performers who spend their lives on stage, in small venues, just jammin'. The witnesses and "background" participants in music history, the stories they could tell just beg to come out if only we would listen.

I'll be taking my daughter to the Montreal Jazz festival, but not to experience the big old (and expensive for someone on a tight budget) concerts... I want her to walk about and hear music coming from the street stages, the lesser known artists, the "working" musicians, who never give up the love of music just because they didn't "make it big" and who hold on to that hope. The artists who play for the pure joy. I know my friend Coco teaches music with that kind of passion.

No matter what you do in life babies, find the things that bring you joy and go with the flow.

Love you all more than my luggage!
Hugs, smooches and gropes!

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Comments on "Yeah, I'm still alive"


Blogger Leighann said ... (9:31 AM) : 

Isn't it amazing the intricate role that music can play in a persons life?

Just the other day as I walked through the grocery store with my 5 year old, an old Sonny and Cher song came on. I spent the rest of our shopping trip explaining to her who they were and what they contributed to the music world.

I got more than a few funny looks!!


Blogger Travis Cody said ... (9:36 AM) : 

Without those session musicians we wouldn't have a lot of the music we have. Mr Barcelona was terrific.

Thanks for that clip.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:38 AM) : 

I hope your doing a bit better now..
Sometimes, keeping yourself occupied makes everything easier to deal with..
Luv and Hugs,


Blogger Ginormous Boobs said ... (11:30 AM) : 

Nice music choices!!!


Blogger Desert Songbird said ... (12:17 PM) : 

Some of the best music comes from unexpected places, the hidden corners of our world.

I can relate to the not sleeping. Take care of yourself, and take a Benadryl - it will help with allergies and make you drowsy!


Blogger Jay said ... (2:32 PM) : 

I always love to watch specials on New Orleans because it means that they will interview all the old time musicians down there. They have great stories to tell. Best part of New Orleans is wandering around the city just listening to the music. All the live music clubs leave their doors open so you can sample the music from each place while walking. So much fun!


Blogger Bud Weiser, WTIT said ... (6:31 PM) : 

Good luck getting through it all! My 82 year old dad sings two nights a week in piano bars. He sings different artists but he really is best at Armstrong. People say to him, "You're like a white Louis!" He smiles and says, "Babk in the day they said he was a whit Bierne (my dad's name)!"


Blogger Anndi said ... (6:28 AM) : 

Leighann: Last night I had to explain to Chicklet who George Michael is. It was... interesting.

Travis: Indeed. Glad you liked it.

Lesley: You are a sweetheart, you know that? Thanks.

GB: It was an eclectic weekend.

Songbird: I've never been disappointed when I jutst walk through the festival, not knowing what gems I might find.
I may have to try taking something, it's starting to really get to me.

Jay: I would love to spend a few days in New Orleans, the food, music and ambiance.

Bud: Maybe I'll have to go and listen to your Dad some day. I bet he has some great stories. Ever interview him?


Blogger Vinny "Bond" Marini said ... (10:43 AM) : 

Exactly why I spend so much time in the Blues Tent at the MIM festival and love finding hole in the wall places. One of my favorite Tutelages was on Donald "Duck" Dunn


Blogger Jeff B said ... (1:52 PM) : 

One of the places Lisa and I lived in down in Californis was next to a guy by the name of Bobby Vega. Like some of the musicians you talked about, he was, and probably still is, a session musician.

He played with Queen Ida and did some work with Santana as well as many others. To my knowlege he never got much notoriety and certainly not the big bucks, but it never detered his passion of the music.

The guy could make a bass absolutely sing.

Great encouragement in your words my dear. I hope this finds you doing well.


Blogger Liz Hill said ... (2:24 PM) : 

That's a wonderful gift you are giving her Angelbaby.


Blogger Lu' said ... (6:39 AM) : 

Music is great for you two to share. My Brother and his oldest shared this as did our Mom with us.


Blogger Coco said ... (1:30 PM) : 

*hugs* LOVED this post, and not just because you mentioned me! (thanks, btw) Danny Barcelona always makes me smile, as do many of the musicians from this era, because that kind of joy is infectious. i tell my students that they will always feel better when they make music, because it drains the bitterness out of life.


Blogger Doc said ... (3:01 PM) : 

Been missing you...


Blogger TopChamp said ... (10:34 AM) : 

yey for trumpets. You know all musicians aren't just waiting to make it big, right? Some of us keep going for the love of it alone.


Blogger TopChamp said ... (10:34 AM) : 

Hope your week wasn't as bad as you feared.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (6:23 PM) : 

As a drummer, I am amazed at the dynamics that the great jazz drummers were able to produce out of a four piece trap set. I see some of the monster kits now and think, what's the point? Danny also did something I had never seen before...a foot roll with single pedal and both feet. Awesome. If that doesn't turn a drummer on nothing will...thanx for posting..


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