No lump of coal???
My dear friend Vince decided to give me some bling… I wasn’t quite sure why, but I was flattered nonetheless. I mean, I’m a bad blogger.. I don’t keep my blog updated (like most airlines I lack sufficient staff to keep my flights running, staffed and on time – and don’t even get me started on the maintenance crew) and I don’t visit the lovely bloggers I’ve come to care about and appreciate who apparently are collecting miles and frequent flyer points anywhere nearly enough. I say it's because they like the in-flight movies (who said I'm a video monster?). So he gave me one of those groovy globe-like things... the kind you shake and the snow falls… He got it from Mimi who got it from Santa himself (seriously, how cool is THAT!) Isn't it pretty? And I know all about snow! And zambonis... and snow angels... Okay sorry, I got distracted by the sparkly snow... So… as Santa himself has said: This award is for those who talk about and show the spirit of Christmas in their blogs. What is the Spirit of Christmas you ask (believe me I wanted to ask)? Quite simply it is those that have a generous and giving nature. Those who care about others. Those who have a kind word to say or a broad shoulder to lean on in the times that others need that. Those who display the "Spirit of Christmas". I thought... me? Christmas eh? Giving eh? MOI? (That's French for me...) So, I thought I would share something with you all… something wonderful that truly does exemplify giving back and making a difference in someone’s life. Please click on this button (but wait til you finish reading okay?) ... ![]() What am I babbling about? Babble: intransitive verb 1 a: to talk enthusiastically or excessively b: to utter meaningless or unintelligible sounds 2: to make sounds as though babbling transitive verb 1: to utter in an incoherently or meaninglessly repetitious manner 2: to reveal by talk that is too free You see, this link is about a truly outstanding project. It started on October 7th 2007. The basic premise is: for every answer you get right, sponsor companies will donate 10 grains of rice to feed the hungry through the United Nations World Food Programme. In just over a month, people who have played the trivia (yes Turnbaby.. trivia!) have managed to earn 1,712,371,750 grains of rice. Imagine that! UPDATE posted on the 15th of November: the total now stands at 1,897,053,670... just short of 2 BILLION folks... If that doesn't make you jolly, you're in need of an intervention, or at the very least a hug because it must be lonely for you living in a cave with a lump of coal for a heart. So go on, click and answer and do your part cause Vince is never going to make enough lasagna to feed the world... Why bother? Cynic: A faultfinding captious critic; especially : one who believes that human conduct is motivated wholly by self-interest. Well... Apparently Vince promised tissues... If you are one of my frequent flyers, you won't be surprised there are videos on this post. And since this is a part of my youth... Go on folks.... Feed the World! Oh.. come back and tell me how you did. It takes 100 grains of rice (10 correct answers) to fill one bowl and feed one person. So far, I've fed 25 people. And it's addictive. Go on... try it! UPDATE posted on November 15th: if we hit the 2 BILLION.. we (yes WE!) will provide 20 MILLION bowls of rice... it's a good start don't you think? If we get that much done in less than 40 days, IMAGINE the possibilities! Oh, and feel free to add it to your sidebar (very nice Vince, thanks!) ![]() So... who do I give this award to? My Soulsister Sue.. who exemplifies giving and providing a shoulder to lean on. Love you sweetie! Get your present here (just grab the code) I love you all more than my luggage! Hugs, smooches and gropes! Labels: Band Aid, Bond, Christmas Spirit, feed the world, free rice, Giving, Live Aid, Père Noël, Santa Claus, SueAnn, World Food Programme |
Comments on "No lump of coal???"
"I wasn’t quite sure why, but I was flattered nonetheless. I mean, I’m a bad blogger"
And then you proceed to show us all why I felt it was deserving.
A simple piece of bling and from it we learn something new and exciting. So much so, that we had to immediately grab a button put it on The Couch, and revise our post for Thursday.
You may have limited service but when you fly, you fly high.
I have to update my sidebar this weekend, and I must remember to put this button in there.
Put quite simply, you rock.
I donated 3120 grains of rice ... but I got 4 words wrong! (oh the shame!) wonderful idea, sweetie. *hugs*
My loving and dear Soulsister, Anndi! I thank you from the bottom of my heart for this gift. I just fed 200 people and felt great! "Do unto others", the creed I try so hard to live by, can, at times, be difficult. It can bring much happiness and oh so much sadness. I love you for YOU, Anndi. You "Do unto others" and you BLOG beautifully....just as you and your SOUL are beautiful. I am going back to my blog and present a present (doncha just love those homynums (sp?)?
Love you, sweetie!
Vince: I swear you,re in my head because I couldn't think of the 'just right' intro to this project... Thank you for your constant support (but make sure you warm your hands first). So... how many grains of rice did you donate? Eh?
Travis: Awwwww shucks *gazes down and blushes while twirling a pigtail*
Coco: You were the first person I thought of when I first played.. and figured you would kick my butt at it. I can't take any credit though, it wasn't my idea... just passing on the good stuff.
Sue my Soulsister: I'm glad something brought you so much joy, you deserve it. I think of you everyday. Thank you for being you.
Very big hugs!
I just cranked out 3010. More later and i'll update this weekend.
Turnbaby: I KNEW I could count on you for this one!
SMOOCH.. oh heck.. GROPE GROPE! :)
so far...ummm about 30 bowls of rice or so....ME??? In your head????
scaryyyyyy for you..... warm and cozy for me....
Wow!! What a great idea. I just hit 1000 in only a few minutes and will do even more over the weekend! Hugs to ya sweet Ann!
Love ya, Robin
I will get around to giving this a try but at the moment I don't have the minutes to spare. I guess that makes me rather scroogy. Still, it's a nice award. Congrats.
Very sweet - perfect for my precious friend!
**sneaks back in while Ann is busy and yanks on the pigtails**
I just had to!!!
guess who! SMOOCH! I made 510 rice bowls. What a wonderful site! Bond made a great choice, your the bomb
what, no tags? You are ruining the whole blog charma
I ran through 42 words in a ten minute period yesterday. I'll try to hit it again later today.